It’s time to ARISE and Lead in a whole new way
The world is evolving, people are evolving. Is organisational leadership evolving? What is the future of leadership and management and how does it need to change to create the organisations the world needs now?
The latest Gallup poll has engagement at an all time low average of 13% globally. What does the future of engagement look like? How are our current management and leadership practices contributing to this?
Start the journey from where you are now, to the leading edge of leadership. Explore your presence, your message & your audience through our unique 9 areas of focus & take a quantum leap as a leader within your organisation.
Employees are floundering under the old style of leadership based on “formality, power and position”. They are being attracted to a new genre of leaders. Leaders that thrive on “reality, connection, courage and competence” and strong vision of the future. Leaders that understand the future offers work/life integration. Not work/life balance.
This change is being driven by the evolution of humans and technology and the resulting interconnectedness of the world we live in. Today, thanks to technology who we are outside the office becomes fully visible inside the office. No longer able to separate our personal self from our professional self, leaders are in the unprecedented position of being scrutinised for in-congruent decisions, actions and communications.
Employees are looking to engage with ‘the entire person’, warts and all. They are looking for transparency, congruency and connection – personal, team, organisational, community and ultimately global.
BUT how do we become these leaders?
The pressure and demands on leadership today is unprecedented, tiresome and overwhelming. Not only do you have to deliver incredible results but there is also a trend that you have to be empathetic, a coaching leader, an inspiring leader -- and the list goes on.
All very good in theory and yes I'm willing
but how do we actually do it?
This was my question! As a leader and as a Training Manager responsible for the learning strategy and development of the organisation I was in, I genuinely wanted answers for myself and for the leaders I served -- How do I make their lives easier? How does development support them to BE better leaders for their teams.
The list of training options was exhausting and unfortunately most learning experiences where underwhelming with some theory that didn't work in reality and alot of "Why"and "What"but so little HOW ????
Until I discovered a critical key that changed everything.
We follow leadership only when:
it was congruent on every level and I believed it
the leader was in alignment with the direction
I am inspired by the leader about what we are creating
the leader was someone that I trusted completely and was willing to share their vision and make me a vital part of it
The truth is leadership is asking people to give you their energy, their commitment and their time --- our job is to deserve it, channel it and create the container for results to thrive.
This meant that I had to start with my personal leadership first. Embody who I truly was as a leader and then align my message and to connect authentically with others from this solid congruent foundation.
So HOW do we do this?
That is exactly what ARISE 2 Lead has become. A 3 Day immersive leadership experience retreat to: connect with like-minded leaders; reconnect with ourselves and what we truly stand for; find out true leadership narrative and connect authentically with our audience.
Today I enjoy true alignment, so I can lead from a place of wholeness, peace and authenticity. It is my honor and deep priviledge to guide and support other leaders, influencers, entrepreneurs and seekers who desire to make a difference -- on how to lead from wholeness.
I also felt responsible for everything and would be in constant tension around saying and doing the right thing!. During the ARISE retreat, we addressed the core reason of this survival mechanism. Today I am reconnected to my higher knowing and my gifts. It feels like having a 6th sense! I can relax and give myself full permission to be me.
You want to feel absolute peace and confidence as you build the career, business and life that you love. It's time for you to ARISE and LEAD in every area of life.
You want to feel absolute peace and clarity about what you stand for, as you lead your team forward. To do this you will need to be clear on your personal and inspiring message
The key to truly leading others knowing, accepting and sharing your message with connection, confidence and compassion. It is time to be fully integrated and on your own team.
Introducing ARISE 2 LEAD Retreat
3 Day Immersive Leadership Retreat to claim your wholeness and lead from compassion
Connection – The art of crafting my message in a way that retains connection with my authentic self in all situations, with all people
Communication – The skills to communicate and collaborate with others no matter their personality, position, point of view or heritage.
Clarity – The art of crafting and delivering my messages with simplicity, clarity and confidence.
Credibility – The process of developing sustainable credibility and connection due to my alignment with my beliefs, convictions and actions. [I walk my talk.]
Courage – The courage to share my convictions, aspirations and messages, and to take actions that I genuinely believe are best for me, my team and/or the organisation.
Compassion – The art of communicating and taking action with positive intent and with genuine concern for others.
efore working with Lizete I struggled with clarity, completeness, self-love and a career that left me chronically unhappy. After our time together something profoundly changed in the core of my personality. I've healed mentally and I'm empowered to create a whole new chapter.
Lizete is an international best selling author, a teacher of conscious and compassionate leadership, an expert in human transformation and the creator of ARISE. Moved by her love for humanity and her unwavering faith that we can all create a better world, Lizete travels and serves in many organisations and platforms as a voice of hope, inspiration and joy.
As a ex-corporate leader, she is passionate about working with organisational leaders to create better teams and value-based environments, supporting entrepreneurs to activate their true talent and potential to create businesses that thrive.
Lizete believes that for us to serve at our best, to live our purpose and to contribute with our highest gifts, we need to master personal leadership and wholeness within our own lives. She is the embodiment of her work and walks her talk in every day life, allowing her work to be practical, sustainable and incredibly easy to implement.
I understand what my team really needs
Leading a team of 20 people in a demanding, fast-paced global supply chain environment is hectic! When I approached Lizete, I was looking for a way to truly do training and development differently. I wanted to understand what my team really needed and to get the tools that would really support them toward our strategic vision. The process was effortless, the time minimal and to my surprise, the team fully supported, and even enjoyed the process -- we were getting to the core of the issue, not just another training.
Barend Lucas
Global Customer Service Manager, Abbvie
I am connected with the soul I truly am
Working with Lizete has given me a completely different outlook on life. I am finally able to connect with the soul I have always been but kept putting to the side because of my mind. I can live in my heart now and I'm much calmer and much less judgemental about myself and others. The biggest gift for me was a profound new connection with my daughter. As a mom, I'm more confident and my little girl is thriving. I used to hide and now I give myself full permission to be present and seen.
Eva Meijering
Trainer & Coach
Full permission to be me
I love people -- so early on, I was taught how to be a cameleon and please others. I also felt responsible for everything and would be in constant tension around saying and doing the right thing! During the ARISE retreat, we addressed the core reason of this survival mechanism. Today I am reconnected to my higher knowing and my gifts. It feels like having a 6th sense! I can relax and give myself full permission to be me.
Petra van Dieren
Corporate Leader & Coach
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