Are you ready to discover the love your soul is calling for?
Are you being called to the Twin Flame Journey?
Are you longing to be with your divine partner and cultivate the relationship and connection of your dreams?
Have you met your Twin Soul and find yourself confused and hurt about how it’s all unfolding?
Sacred Union can be experienced and enjoyed,
but every journey needs a reliable map.
Discover how to navigate your journey without
compromise, without conflict and without confusion.
It is time for the new paradigm of love and conscious relationships
Order your copy today for just $2.99.
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I had been guiding and coaching leaders, seekers and light workers on the journey of wholeness and transformation for 10 years before my Twin Flame journey began. When we came together it was the deepest love and connection we had experienced and it felt like finally after 20 years of searching --- we were finally home. I had found my beloved, he was more than I could have imagined and every step had been worth it to be here. Little did I know it was just the beginning.
When we are initiated in the Twin Flame journey, we are being led by our soul to explore, expose and essentially heal EVERYTHING that is not in alignment to love. It took awhile, a dark night of the soul and many tears for us both to realise that we were being called to more than just a romantic relationship. We were being called to a higher level of individual wholeness and inner sacred union.
This is the book we wish we had read. This is the roadmap to wholeness, inner sacred union and to the sacred union that so many more Twins deserve to experience. As we share our personal story with you, we hope to inspire, and gently guide you out of the drama and confusion and into the new paradigm of love and unity.
— Feeling called to the Twin Flame Journey but are not sure
— Ready to call in your divine counterpart into your life and explore conscious relationships
— Currently in a relationship with your beloved but are having reoccurring problems or you experience blocks to deeper connection
— In separation on any level and feel the longing to be in union
— Ready to debunk the myths and do the real work that leads to actual sacred union
The real purpose of Twin Flames
Understanding the role of wholeness in the ascension process
The role that your Twin plays as teacher and mirror
How to effectively navigate the dark night of the soul
The unique ARISE™ process to overcome blockages in your journey and support you to get to the next stage of union
Profound and practical support for the spiritual journey as well as the human romantic relationship
Insights for anyone desiring a conscious relationship and a profound connection with your beloved and with all of life
How surrender truly works and why its been very hard till now
And so much more
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In a powerful and transformative 3 Part MasterClass, we will discover and explore the 8 Keys to Soul Alignment and Inner Union.
Once we can exactly identify the keys that keep us stuck or going in circles, we return to love within and transform our Twin Flame Connection.
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Lizete L Morais is a Wayshower of Wholeness, an author, a transformation expert and a life,love & leadership coach.
Since 2012 she has served leaders, light workers and seekers as a guide on how to live, love and lead from wholeness using her unique ARISE™ Life Transformation Process.
Before stepping into her soul's purpose she had a 15 year global corporate career within Business Excellence, Supply Chain and served as the Director of Training and Communication for Abbott Pharmaceuticals
She now lives in Costa Rica in sacred union with her Twin Flame Neil, on their jungle farm and retreat centre with three fur babies.
When she's not writing books, Lizete is serving through online programs, immersive transformation retreats for couples, singles and leaders and exploring and nature. .