The only way to limit the potential of YOUR consciousness is to be in a paradox or indecision about something -- and if you are not moving forward then you are probably in a disagreement within your WHOLENESS -- cleverly disguised as something or someone else.
Crystalline Clarity is when we are completely CLEAR what the next step is and there is no debate with any parts of ourselves or ANYONE ELSE.
I know it sounds like utopia! And you've had it many many times. Normally after a great struggle, a dark night or a lengthy process. You know the drill! But there is another way ...
WHO actually teaches us Clarity? LIFE! Experience. Expectations. Consequences of the past. Right?
Most of our lives we are taught to weigh pros and cons and see through the eyes of DUALITY. Always a Paradox. A Crossroads. Forced to choose a side. This is ok. But have you noticed there is always fallout? Collaterol damage.
We see it in the rear view mirror. In hindsight we see where they were right, we were wrong. He was good, I was bad. And so we grow stronger. Become better decision makers.
This is all very good.
And we don't have time for tiny steps -- We are ready to LEAP!
We are ready to TRANSCEND DUALITY & enter our Crystalline Soul Aligned Consciousness.
Our Evolution is here if we will receive it
If we are ready to allow!
In this Intimate Group of conscious souls we are going to:
--Create the sacred space of self compassion and review the nature of paradox your facing, including the pain and the purpose of it.
-- Journey into the quantum or underworld to seek clarity from YOUR own HIGHEST inner guidance
-- Activate more fully your innate self healing abilities and inner alchemist to transform and transmute the energies, through Soul Alchemy Guided Meditation.
-- Receive the energetic codes required for the new chapter unfolding, as well as the healing to become free.
I am a retired corporate executive -- turned cosmic consciousness author and mentor. I am a teacher of inner ancient alchemy and a Student and Soul Guide of LOVE & the Naturaly Divine Regenerative Power of Wholeness.
I have used my sacred and naturally physic gifts, for the last 13 years to serve leaders, guardians, lovers and creatives, co-create the next step in their unique Everyday Eden with Crystalline Clarity!!
My calling is to support YOU to unravel the core paradox between what you KNOW you are here to do in YOUR OWN HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS and manifesting your unique EDEN template into reality.
I am passionate about supporting others to create the ECOSYSTEM they need to emerge from their essencial SOVEREIGN Self and share and uncover their powerful SACRED SERVICE.
I am a Wisdom Keeper.
A Wayshower on the Journey to Wholeness.
Activating our Natural Divinity is our Soul's Evolution revealed.
That is all we need to create our Everyday Eden.
It's all here for US! Let's start to enjoy it <3
In these times it is impossible to know what is happening in your material world and I don't want you to miss this for that reason alone. You know what you can give so give what honors us both <3
You get this right now as pre-work
Within this 45 minute masterclass we will redefine clarity from some vague abstract philosophical notion that seems just out of reach, to a concrete working model. This is profound preparation for our time together although it can be done after as part of your integration work.
As additional support
Additional to your Masterclass you will receive a workbook that will serve as a guide to objectively look at any situation and identify the paradox that is keeping us stuck. This is our mental and emotional awareness preparation work. If you find resistance in touching in -- No worries -- It might be here for after our immersion.
The Magic Truly Unfolds
As we reconnect with the frequency and vibration of sound, our bodies soften, our tensions release and we allow for the quantum, the unseen, the spirit and magic in all life to become available in more tangible ways. Through relaxing meditation and sound we will be guided to receive the codes, the understanding and the strategy to best move forward from the place of wholeness and compassion for all.
I am able to calm the mind and just be present
Since working with Lizete I remember more of who I am and am able to better align all parts of me. My life is balanced in such a way that the small things are purposeful. I am able to calm the mind and just be present. I've become a better leader because I now hold space for others with love and compassion at a much deeper but also higher level of consciousness. This journey has been amazing!
Cidalia -- Canada
Hospitality Manager
Crystaline clarity changes everything at the cellular level!
I know exactly who I am and what I want in life, and so much is now moving in ways I could never have imagined. I am just so grateful to Lizete and the magic of her Crystaline Clarity sharing. I absolutely understand at a much deeper lever. Friends and family who I never really felt connected to now see me in a totally different light, I feel free and confident, I feel love like never before, I feel free
Valerie -- United Kingdom
Certified NES Practioner
I'm empowered to create a whole new chapter
Before working with Lizete I struggled with clarity, completeness, self-love and a career that left me chronically unhappy. After our time together something profoundly changed in the core of my personality. I've healed mentally and I'm empowered to create a whole new chapter.
Tamara -- The Netherlands
Ex -- VP Marketing
In these times it is impossible to know what is happening in your material world and I don't want you to miss this for that reason alone. You know what you can give so give what honors us both <3
All of the structures of our lives have been shaken. So how do we take the next step with unbreakable confidence?
Within us is the answer. Locked in the sovereign self that is bond by some chain. You are not broken. You are more than capable to do exactly what you are called too but -- We do need to unlock it.
So let us do this.
For our dreams, our loved ones,
the new Everyday Eden we are all building.
You are here to show your unique way.
Big love and see you soon,
Lizete xxx
DISCLAIMER: Not everyone creates the same level of results as this greatly depends on your conscious understanding and previous development of where you are on this journey.
However I will guarantee this will be an incredible ride for all who are on it and seeking more freedom and alignment to have a life of balance.
This work is not to be seen as medical in any way and is completely based on your freedom and responsibility as a sovereign human being.
I in turn am committed to serve you with integrity, honesty, respect and dignity. This is my legacy, in service to yours.
©2021 Lizete Morais
All copyright reserved