Creating a collaboration model of loving service & integrity
When I got the download of the exact process and program I wanted to offer at this critical time of our evolution, I knew that I didn't want to venture on this quest alone. I was lead to invite 12 specific souls, the masters, the intuitives and the soul-family I had met, and worked with on my own journey. We are building a new model of collaboration of integrity, service and true partnership. Thank you for saying yes. To me. To the program. To the many woman that we call to arise.
I am blessed to have you on this journey. Honored that you have said YES to partner with me. Thank you for bringing your magic, your medicine and your mastery to support these women. Together we are going to support them to embody their essence and their true divine empowerment. It's time to ARISE.
As a brief recap of our call, we are launching the Woman Leader ARISE Journey on the 29 November 2021. This year long Soul Alchemy Journey will be offering a community where women will learn to master:
AWARENESS -- Digging deep and healing our roots, to ground them in new nurturing fertile soil. We learn to have clarity on our calling and move forward in life with confidence.
ACTIVATION -- We ensure that we have our source of sacred water and flow and move through life with courage and charisma, building authentic and powerful connection.
ALIGNMENT -- We stand in the light and truth of our being in self love, wholeness and safety as we grow in consciousness, stay in coherence and lead in compassion.
During this beautiful quest of wholeness and empowerment, you will be featured as our guest to bring forward your modality, medicine and magic! You will join one of the Q&A Lives to connect and serve the community. Depending on what you are bringing to the circle you will then also offer your service as agreed.
In this collaborative collective of healers, teachers and guides, I hope that you attract beautiful new clients to your soul service, as I guide community members that are being supported with masters I trust.
So how are we going to launch Woman Leader ARISE?
The very first step of our collaboration will be recording an interview for the Wholeness Wisdom Well podcast. This podcast can then be distributed to your audience serving to introduce you and I to each other's audience. In this interview we will cover what your modality is, share the highlights of your journey of mastery and how people can experience your magic. We will also announce our collaboration in Woman Leader ARISE.
This is a 5 day experience where every morning, our lovely ladies will be sent a Soul Alchemical Meditation of 5-8 minutes on one of the elements that creates our reality. Once they have arrived on the 5th day, they will experience themselves as the space of love they are, and have the deep knowing activated within them, that they are fully supported, loved and able to fulfil the soul's call within them.
As Woman Leaders we have been sold many things but in this experience they will come to know that everything is already inside of themselves. So the question is not how do they become better --- but rather what do they need to be safe enough, supported enough and strong enough to naturally thrive as the souls of love that they are. This is where we will invite our soul sisters to the Woman Leader ARISE journey.
There are 3 next steps for you to take at this time
1. Please Schedule The Interview
We will be recording our interview on zoom. Simply choose your own timezone and select the very best time for you. If you don't find any available days, please let me know.
2. Send Me Your Pic
Please send me your favourite picture of you. I will be working with a lovely graphic designer to create a partner page. On this page will be featured your, picture, bio and link
3. The finer details :)
Lastly just a few more details that need to be collected for an effortless launch.
Thank you so much!
One last note
Can you tell I'm excited! I am so excited!
Excited for the beautiful women that will be attracted to our call.
Excited for the transformation and hope that is about to released.
Grateful for all the lessons and expansion that are on the way.
Grateful for your friendship, your partnershp and your love.
Grateful and honored to step out in a bigger way with soul family like you. People who choose love, who choose hope, service and integrity.
And know that love ALWAYS wins!!!
I love you and I'll see you soon,
Join an incredible community of soul sisters stepping into their sacred service and sovereignty